WVB Huskers lose at Wisconsin

Not a great day for Nebraska sports, the football team lost another heartbreaker to Iowa, the volleyball team was swept in Madison and the Huskers are currently trailing Stanford in the NCAA Soccer quarterfinals.

I was afraid there would be a letter down after winning the B1G title with 2 matches left. Nebraska dealt Wiscy a rivalry defeat earlier in the season. This was their statement in their house. Nebraska wasn’t as focused on Wiscy as they needed to be.

Come on WVB you only got past ste0 one. There is so much more to accomplish this year. Each of you have a big target on you. You gave Wisconsin some of their Mojo back. That is dangerous. Get focused and play with the intensity and cohesiveness hmm we know you have.

Go Big Red.

This truly was a Black Friday for Husker Athletics.

Greg Zimmerman, UNL '75
Overland Park, Kansas

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True. When do we go to playing our final game of the season on Saturday? Tired of Black Friday losses. Actually more tired of losing seasons.

I like Chubba. I think he has potential. He can pass, run and scramble. We need changes on the o line more strength more size, stronger, faster, smarter. We need a NEW O.C.

We need our DC to decide to stay at Nebraska! We need more there too. Great job this year putting the talent we have to do so well overall. We need more depth, more strength, more speed, more everything. More time with THIS DC.

We have Rhule’s reputation to deal with too. Poor first season at Baylor and others, much improved second season. Can he get to 8 wins or more next year? OR, is Nebraska just curse It’s been 20 years…

Go Big Red!

I don’t think there are any plans to move the final game of the season from Black Friday to Saturday. I’m assuming Iowa will remain the ‘rivalry week’ opponent when the detailed scheduling comes out.

I’m sure you’re right. Didn’t that happen for a couple years and the fans got upset and wanted it changed back?

Yeah, I don’t see that what day of the week or month the game is played has anything to do with wins and losses. It could make a difference as far as fan interest but I think even the Black Friday interest has lost some of its luster over the last ten years or so. Years ago the NU/Oklahoma game was played for a few years on Thanksgiving Day. I always felt that was the ideal situation.

Ever since the Huskers have been in the Big 10 the powers that be have tried to make the Huskers and Iowa a rivalry. I don’t think it has become a rivalry but that might have more to do with the Huskers not being very good than anything. It never has been the rivalry NU/Oklahoma or NU/Colorado was.

John Papenhagen

I think one two-year rotation had MInnesota as the final game of the season instead of Iowa. I don’t know if both schools pressed for a return to the Iowa-Nebraska finale or if it was mostly Nebraska.

The Iowa-Nebraska ‘rivalry’ seemed kind of forced at first, but I think it’s starting to turn into more of a competitive rivalry, even if the results are still a bit one-sided.

I think people who watched the games at home were fonder of the Thanksgiving day games than the folks who watched them in the stadiums. The Game of the Century was on Thanksgiving. That was the first year my (future) wife was at my mother’s house for Thanksgiving, the year before we were married. I think my mom didn’t exactly understand why she wouldn’t come to the table for Thanksgiving Dinner while the game was on. I filled up a plate for her and we ate by the TV.

You married a good woman!
My husband still does not understand why I yell (way too loudly according to him) at the TV during Nebraska games. He’s a native Californian! :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: