Volleyball Celebration

Did anyone else land tickets for the Volleyball Celebration scheduled for August 30th at Memorial Stadium? The tickets I bought this morning put me in Row 75 in the NW corner of the stadium. I gave up my season tickets last year after a third of a century, so I don’t know where tickets were going among those who bought at the season-ticket presale yesterday.

Despite advancing age being the prime motivator in giving up the tickets, my dad did decide that me picking him up in North Platte to drive to Lincoln for the volleyball game on Wednesday night and then continuing on to Minneapolis for the football game on Thursday night would be a good way to celebrate his 80th birthday. Hope it is not a steamy August night in the stands like it was against Baylor in 1990! (Time just flies, doesn’t it?)

I may have missed it, but I’m assuming the court will be in the north part of the stadium, but will it fbe oriented east-west or north-south? North-south might be better for sun issues.

Here’s what I’ve seen posted about it.


PDF Document · 13.9 MB


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LJS story on ticket sales snafus

Now over 80,00 tickets sold. Wowser!

Over 80,000 tickets sold for Nebraska volleyball’s match in Memorial Stadium


Over 80,000 tickets sold for Nebraska volleyball’s match in Memorial Stadium

](Over 80,000 tickets sold for Nebraska volleyball's match in Memorial Stadium)

Probably less that half the crowd will actually be able to see the game. It will be like a basketball game played in a domed stadium. Some people are so far away the players look like ants.

How long will it be before an announcement is made that some VB match will be held in The Big House (Michigan) or Neyland Stadium (Tennessee)? Happy Valley might be another possibility.

Mike Nolan

So you’re saying the volleyball players are smaller than the football players? I kinda doubt it.

Would they be able to pull in 80,000 fans?

Tommy Thompson
Just call me “Pa”
Go Big Red
Go Cardinals

With 82,900 tickets sold, they’re calling the volleyball celebration a sellout.

Mike Nolan

90,185 for the final, USA vs China at the 1999 Women’s World Cup at the Rose Bowl. I’m not sure but this may be the largest crowd for a women’s sporting event.

Greg Zimmerman, UNL '75
Overland Park, Kansas

Google is your friend. 91,553 for the UEFA Women’s Champions League match between Barcelona and Real Madrid at the Camp Nou in Barcelona.

Greg Zimmerman, UNL '75
Overland Park, Kansas

Here are the top 10 stadiums by capacity, and several of these are associated with schools that have excellent volleyball programs, though maybe not the volleyball fan base that Nebraska has.

Penn State
Ohio State
Texas A&M
Cotton Bowl

Bragging rights being what they are, it wouldn’t surprise me if one of the schools listed above decided Nebraska’s (about-to-be) record was beatable.

Mike Nolan