Spring Volleyball

The Husker volleyball team was as good as advertised, sweeping a scrappy Wichita State squad 25-20, 25-21, 25-21. Bekka Allick hit a cool .800, and was a presence at the net. MVP probably goes to freshman Harper Murray who led the way with 12 kills. She and Andi Jackson (7 kills while playing only set 3) are going to be so fun to watch——their athleticism is off the charts.

Kennedi Orr set the first frame, then Bergen Reilly went the rest of the way. It looked to me as if Reilly will be the starter, the offense just seemed more effective with her playing. Pretty much everyone played, and it really looked as if any of the combinations that played could be a terrific team.

After the match, Larry Punteney made a comment that caught me up short: the freshman (that all played exceedingly well) have yet to graduate from high school. Amazing.

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