Nebraska is 4-3

A question was asked on the chat when the last time Nebraska was 4-3 or better.

The answer is 2016, when they won their first 7 games and were 9-2 heading into the Iowa regular season finale, which they lost.

In 2014 they won their first 5 games and were 8-1 before going 1-2 to finish the regular season.

Thank you Mike. That was my question. I knew it had been awhile. We just finished watching the volleyball game. Wow. What a comeback by the Huskers.

Greg Zimmerman, UNL '75
Overland Park, Kansas

So, what are the predictions from here to end of season? So we end up minor bowl eligible?

Or, are the naysayers still out there saying we don’t win another game?


I’m pretty sure we can find 2 more victories. MSU is a true dumpster fire. I count that as a W. Then we need just one out of the other four. Oddly, Maryland looks like the toughest of the four. That’s likely an L. The other three seem to be tossups to me. We could conceivably get 3 more wins all told, a bowl game, and a non-losing season! Quite a 1-yr turnaround.

It was more recent than that.

In 2019, Nebraska started 4-2 before losing 5 out of their last 6 to finish 5-7 and miss a bowl game.

I have more faith in this years team and this coaching staff.

Purdue isn’t very good either. We should be strong favorites there and MSU. Wiscy, Iowa and Maryland are beatable. Anything less than 6 wins is a disappointment and 7 wins isn’t unreasonable. 8 or 9 wins are possible but unlikely.

Thank you, Patrick. You are correct.

We started off that season as the favorite to win the Big X West and were ranked #24.

Greg Zimmerman, UNL '75
Overland Park, Kansas

Just be happy if you are 1-0 on the day of the game.
Roger Lohr

Iowa can’t score points and has a very good defense.

Nebraska can’t score points and has a pretty good defense.

Maybe the Black Friday game will be 2-0.

Iowa lost on a controversial call that nullified a punt returned for a TD late in the game. (But as bad calls go, that takes a back seat to the ASU-Washington game last night, where the refs failed to call PI despite the defender nearly pulling the receiver’s jersey off. Then to add salt to the wound, a few plays later Washington picked off a pass and ran it back 89 yards to take the lead. I think the refs missed a few roughing the QB calls, too.)

Wisconsin could only score 7 points through 3 quarters before scoring 18 in the 4th to beat Illinois.

Maryland has Penn State the week before the Huskers, and Michigan the week after.

Nebraska starts out as a 3 point favorite over Purdue.