Nebraska getting some pre-season top 25 consideration

Two pre-season top 25 lists include the Huskers, I hope this works out better than the last time they got pre-season consideration.

Once bitten, twice shy. Well, many times bitten. I’ll believe it when I see it. I hope the predictions are correct but I’m not counting on it.

Greg Zimmerman, UNL '75
Overland Park, Kansas

I would rather we enter the season with low expectations. Could this team win 9-10 games? Sure. But expectation management is important. If we go into the season excepting 7-8 then 9 is gravy. If the expectation is 9 (what a #22 team should win at the end of the season) then we didn’t nothing special.

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I disagree - if we win 9-10 , everyone will see the improvement and think it is very special!!

ESPN’s new post-spring practice top 25 (plus 9 just-missed teams) doesn’t include Nebraska, which IMHO is a good thing at this point. If they win their first 4-5 games, as seems quite possible, that’ll get everyone’s attention. They should be favored in most of their first 7 games, but seem more likely to be be underdogs in the final 5.

Colorado will be an interesting test of Matt Rhule’s 2nd year.

Colorado has sold out its 2024 season tickets already, the 2nd year in a row.

Buff fans must feel Deion has more potential than he showed in 2023.

John Papenhagen

CU was 4-8 last year, with 4 close losses, Nebraska was 5-7, with 3 10-13 losses. Yet nobody seems to question that Nebraska will do better in 2024 than in 2023. So why not CU?

CU surprised teams, including Nebraska, at the start of the season, but injuries and a lack of depth took their toll as the season wore on.

They won’t surprise anybody in 2024, and despite a ton of transfers again, I think their roster will be deeper than in 2023.