Nebraska Compliance Director leaves for A&M

Nebraska’s Executive Associate Athletic Director for Compliance, Jamie Vaughn, is leaving for a similar job at Texas A&M.

LJS link for those with LJS access:

It appears Trev is raiding the Husker staff. I don’t know if that is totally true. This person and Trev may be friends. It just appears odd. If Vaughn had taken a position with another program no one would even have noticed.

John Papenhagen

I don’t think we’ve seen an unusually large departure of staff to A&M, and the new AD may have preferred someone else in the compliance role, too.

ADs and coaches both tend to hire people they know rather than just pick a name out of a hat, and the people you know best are the people you’ve been working with or on the teams you’ve played frequently.

ADs and Coaches (and in my line of work…General Officers) tend to hire folks with whom they are familiar. And maybe Vauaghn liked working with Trev?

Trev leaving was a shock, but I think enough time has passed and nothing bad has come out that I think we can just say he felt like it was a better opportunity for some reason. I don’t harbor any ill will towards him. The NCAA BB tournament selection committee however…those ass clowns can suck it. LOL