Huge win against #1 Purdue

88-72 win over #1 Purdue at home, first win over a #1 team in a long time. (Hoiberg’s grandfather was the coach for Nebraska.)

First win vs. a No. 1 since 1982 against Missouri according to Peacock announcers.

Jim Dean

Great win!! The thing about it being the first win over a number one team since 1982 is I wonder how many times since 1982 the Huskers have played a number one team? My guess without looking it up is not that often.

John Papenhagen

I tried asking Google, but all I get is the 4 times they’ve beaten #1 teams, not how many times they’ve lost to the #1 team. (The 1982 win against Missouri was on the road, the other three were all at home.)

Matchups vs #1 don’t happen every year for most schools.

Purdue may have been #1 when they played Nebraska last season, and Kansas was probably #1 several times over the years. Maybe Oklahoma as well?

I thought about Kansas. Most of the time Kansas would have been highly rated, at least ranked in the top ten. I am not sure how many times they were actually ranked number one when the Huskers played them.

John Papenhagen

I seem to recall an ‘almost’ game against a #1 Kansas a while back, maybe during the Nee era. Might even have been on the road

The Peacock broadcast graphic shown towards the end of the game stated that Nebraska was 3-13 vs. AP No. 1 teams all-time. Screenshot from 2024-01-10 12-27-23

Guess that’s 4-13 now.

Also, per Myron Metcalf on X, a family connection:

March 3, 1958 — Head coach Jerry Bush leads Nebraska to a win over No. 1 Kansas State.

Jan. 9, 2024 — His grandson, Fred Hoiberg, leads Nebraska to a win over No. 1 Purdue.

College basketball, man.

That was a great performance last night. Every time Purdue made a run, the Huskers had an answer. The Boilermakers finally ran our of gas in the last 5 or so minutes and the Huskers pulled out a 16 point win.

I had the biggest grin on my face at the final buzzer. I’m hoping we can beat Iowa on Friday and crack the top 25 rankings. Things seem to be on the upswing for the Husker Basketball program.

Go Big Fred!

Greg Zimmerman, UNL '75
Overland Park, Kansas

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