
One thing I do like about Rhule is he instituted the old Blackshirt way
when if a player was on the number one defense he was a Blackshirt.
That was also decided before the first game No more of this some on the
top unit are Blackshirts and some aren’t. The first unit is subject to
change from week to week but whoever is on the first unit are
Blackshirts, at least for the week.

John Papenhagen

Baseball is like driving; it’s the one who gets home safely that counts.

Tommy Lasorda

Rhule manages the off-the-field part of the job as well as any coach since Osborne, and I think he’s more comfortable dealing with the media than any coach since Devaney.

I don’t really know what to expect tomorrow night, I’m just hoping for a team that looks like it belongs in the Husker uniforms. Will the 3-3-5 perform with the personnel available? Can the offense finish drives better than in recent years? Will special teams be a plus or a minus on the scoreboard?

I’ve seen predictions ranging from 5 to 7 wins.

I would agree. Although, I am not sure Osborne was uncomfortable with
the press as he thought it was a waste of time and a pain in his back end.

John Papenhagen

Baseball is like driving; it’s the one who gets home safely that counts.

Tommy Lasorda