Anybody up for a real-time discussion during the spring game tomorrow?

The new discourse platform has some real-time features, channels and chats, that might be interesting to use during a game. However, you have to be logged in to the new system to use them, they aren’t email based.

Anybody interested in testing them out tomorrow? The game starts at 1PM CDT and will be televised on BTN.

Mike Nolan

I would if I was not going to be at the game.

Dress warmly, gonna be in the low 50’s and windy.

I’ll set up a channel for the spring game, in case anybody wants to show up at 1PM CT today.

Sounds like fun, but that will probably be about when the best temps for riding happen today.

motorcycle or horses ?

Neither, just a wimpy bicycle.


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We had several people (3 plus me) show up for a chat during the spring game, which was a pretty good test of the discourse chat channel feature.

I think this is something we might run during games this fall, maybe during other sporting events as well

Mike Nolan

Call me technology inept. I looked for it and couldn’t find it.

Next time

You probably have to scroll down the left hand side bar to get to channels. I don’t know if there’s a way to highlight an active channel when you sign in, I’ll check on that.

Mike Nolan

I did not see it on my phone.

Jim Dean

I couldn’t find it either

I believe areas with new activity are followed by a blue dot.

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Next time I’ll set up a banner at the top that has a link to the chat channel, that should make it easier to find, especially on mobile devices where the left-hand sidebar is not shown by default.

There’s a lot of things in discourse that we’re all still learning how to use that make it so much more than just an email list.

Mike Nolan

I found it by going to the main page, In the
upper right hand corner are three choices, There is one with personal
information, another one for searching, and then the one for chat.
After clicking on the chat feature you should see 2023 Spring Game.

Great idea Mike. I’d be interested.

Todd in Wichita