Anybody interested in a real-time chat during the Minnesota game?

Discourse has a real-time chat feature (similar to Slack), we tried it during the Spring Game and had a half-dozen or so people show up. (You have to log in to the DIscourse-based system at to use it.)

If I set one up for the Minnesota game tomorrow (kickoff at 7PM central time), who’s interested in participating?

Mike Nolan

Whenever I try and access that URL I get this message and have for the last couple of days. is in a maintenance cycle at this time, please try again later

Please join us at

I’m interested but unlikely to be able to make it.


Whenever I try and access that URL I get this message and have for the last couple of days.

Try it again.

Mike Nolan

I got in that time.

John Papenhagen

I’d like to try it out. After thirty(ish) years on the list this might be as close to meeting people as I get.

OK, I’ll set it up some time around 6-6:30 CT (depending on supper timing) and pin a topic about it to the top of the stack so it is easy to find.

You will need to log in to the server, if you haven’t done that in a while you might need to do a password reset. The discourse software is pretty fussy about email addresses, if yours has changed in the last year it might be easier just to create a new login.

Mike Nolan

why arent you guys watching the volleyball match on the football field on BTN tonight?

who says we’re not? :slight_smile:

Who says we’re not watching it? Attendance: 92,003


I wonder how long they’ll hold the record?

My guess is maybe a year or so.

Where else would they get that many folks to a VB game? I’m not sure I’d risk scheduling a VB game at Camp Randall or Beaver Stadium. The weather is too chancy in late August/Early September. I can’t think of anywhere else that would turn out that many. Maybe UT? But they can’t even sell out a FB game, much less an outdoor VB game in August when it’s 98 degrees at 8:30pm

If you mean the world record…Kinnick only holds 70K, so that won’t affect it. Until the next women’s world cup, which isn’t until 2027 I don’t think there’s a chance it falls.

See you online tonight

It’s only going to fall next year if Memorial Stadium can hold 1 more person than this year for the Volleyball Day!



In order for that world record to fall, several things have to happen.

First, it has to be in a facility large enough to break the record.

In the USA, these schools have larger stadiums than Nebraska: Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State, Texas A&M, LSU, Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, USC, UCLA, Notre Dame, Florida, Auburn, Oklahoma.

The Cotton Bowl in Dallas is also larger than Memorial Stadium, and there are several NFL stadiums with capacity similar to Memorial Stadium: MetLife (NJ), Lambeau (WI), AT&T (TX).

If one expands the search globally, there are several soccer or cricket stadiums larger than Memorial Stadium, in India, North Korea, Australia, Spain, South Africa, China, England, Qatar, Mexico, Malaysia, and Egypt, and a few more that are similar in capacity. (I left out the horse or auto racing facilities, though they top the list of largest venues.)

So there are certainly other facilities that could be used in an attempt to break the record.

Second, there has to be a women’s sport with enough fan support to break the record. That’s probably the stumbling block, though there are several of the schools listed above that have strong women’s volleyball or basketball programs, though perhaps not the incredible fan support that Nebraska volleyball has.

My guess is that an attempt might be more likely to succeed in basketball or soccer than in volleyball, possibly in one of the international venues.

The third factor is a group willing to make the effort. That’s similar to the fan support issue above, but I could see local or national pride becoming the basis for the effort. (North Korea, for example.)

And they could probably have accommodated another 1000 or so people in Memorial Stadium last night on the field, though I’m not sure how much they could see of the game. But the infield at the Indy 500 is usually packed and they can’t see a thing from there!